Tuesday, January 25, 2011


At NED University



04. (Photos 01-05 Courtesy Sabbika Siddiq)
17th – 23rd January, 2011
Introduction to Islamic Architecture

Principles  & Vocabulary

(Arch, Dome, Geometric Patterns, Muqarnas)
Conducted by
Taimoor Khan Mumtaz

Given the fact that Pakistan is heir to one of the richest traditions of architecture anywhere in the world it is amazing and mind boggling that in our architectural education  there is a complete absence of any practical knowledge of this tradition. The objective of the present workshop, which is the second in this series ( Workshop One was held at NED in Feb. 2010), was to address this lack.

There were 24 participants who took part in the Workshop, including twenty 3rd to 5th year NED students of Architecture, two faculty members from NED, one visiting faculty from UET Lahore and one from Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture, Karachi.

The workshop focused on hands-on learning of elements of Islamic Architecture from craftsmen's drawings from Anjuman Mimaran's collection of drawings, making card models of the same as well as constructing full-scale models in polystyrene (Thermopore) to get a sense of scale of these elements.

These practical exercises were supported by theoretical presentations, talks and a visit to two contemporary projects by Kamil Khan Mumtaz Architects illustrating the use of traditional elements in contemporary design.